Friday, December 25, 2009

Hawaii: Day 5

Day five in Hawaii! I think I took the most pictures this day, it was absolutely beautiful! We drove up to the north end of the island to the Polo'lu Valley. There were so many beautiful picture ops on the way :) We took a hike down into the valley, it took about 20 mins to get down because we kept stopping to take pictures. The beach at the bottom was beautiful! It was a black sand beach and the sand was so soft. Seth and I went for a swim while his mom watched Adaiah. Seth said they were the biggest waves he had ever been in. It was a blast! On the way home we drove through Parker Ranch. It is a huge ranch! I'm not sure how many acres I will have to ask Seth and update this :)

The Polo'lu Valley

Sleepy Girl :) Hiking back up

On the way back


  1. Wow, Sarah - the landscape pictures are gorgeous! The blues and greens are beautiful!

  2. Thanks! The colors were all just so beautiful! I was just glad the pictures actually looked like what we were seeing!
